Walkabout, 4.5

[Estimated reading time: 3 minutes]

[Previous Chapter]

Last night I lied to the cop and stared at Helena as I did so. He shrugged in Tokyo and I changed my posture as a response in Seattle.

“What happened to the gunman?” I asked the room at large.

“Got nailed himself by Miss Mons’ security detail.”

“Not much of a detail.”

“No comment.” Detective Wong nodded and lead me toward a body by the back door.

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Walkabout, 3

[Estimated reading time: 3 minutes]

[Previous Chapter]

The police popped up on the scene in seconds, remoting into ubiquitous shells that peppered Tokyo. You could see one on most corners, a police statue that woke up every now and again and went off on some task for the cops, usually getting statements from people in-person, so to speak.

The closest shell I could get was four blocks away. Early morning.

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Walkabout, 2

[Estimated reading time: 3 minutes]

[Previous Chapter]

Helene was in a cyber cafe in Tokyo. It was early morning there and she was probably still up from the night before. From the familiar motions and sounds, the expressions her face sometimes took on that was at odds with our conversation, she was obviously downing energy shots and chain-smoking. The cafe was the one she took me after that awkward rave, it was her regular watering hole, the spot where she fought hangovers and worked.

Shells are a convenient way to sample some aspects of a world that’s too damn far from you. Some place that you’d like to see, but can’t be bothered to actually fly there. Like Mexico City over lunch. It’s a lovely place, and I enjoy perceiving it in small snippets through my glasses while munching on a pork bahn-mi in Seattle, TPS reports forgotten for forty-five minutes.

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Walkabout, 1

[Estimated reading time: 2 minutes]

Over lunch I shelled into Mexico City and went walking around the capitol building, the roads that converged on it and the series of food- and souvenir-carts that lined them. The shell was a basic Sherry model, a smiling mid-westerner, complete with blonde curls and a flannel top.

When I connected to the model, she was walking, so went with it and sauntered past a museum, still mostly on autopilot. The bot detected my presence and allowed control slowly, waiting for me to get familiar with my new body before handing it over entirely.

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