Codename: pressure-cooker

[Estimated reading time: 18 minutes]

[This is a work in progress.]


The large planet is a mega-earth, a planet much larger than our own, with the potential surface area some 10,000 times greater than earth's.
Potential surface, though, because LUVOIR-278c is an ocean world, and her surface is hidden beneath miles of water and steam.
Who knows, maybe it's a big diamond at the core, or something.

The world is known as Laan, and its atmosphere is a very close approximation of hell.
It is a world that is being roasted alive by its A-type star, a blue-white ball of hydrogen determined to speed-run through its life and burn out in a mere billion years.
In star terms, Laan does not have long to live.

But it is home, and more, to humans who seek shelter in its vast oceans.

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