Wick Canyon

[Estimated reading time: 119 minutes]

[This work is a first/rough draft, comments welcome.]

[Content Warning: This story contains the death of a loved one, discussions of suicide, and apocalyptic descriptions.]

Gant, the youngest settlement on Misa

Gant was a twenty-mile long dome village, that sat over the river Shane.
The river entered and exited the city by way of two great dams, the East and West gates, respectively.
Humans founded Gant just two decades back, and just a century after the first people set foot on the alien world of Misa.
Gant's humongous dome consisted of millions of clear and nearly-indestructible triangles, about two meters long on each side, and smelted nearby out of the abundant sand.
House-sized robots littered the ever-shifting perimeter of the dome, and extended it with the steady stream of prefabbed panels that came in on huge freight drones from the desert.

The Gant dome was one of a dozen that humans had started on the planet, the most recent one, and already the fourth biggest habitat by population.
Amel to the east was a larger and older settlement, back from the early days of the humans' arrival on the planet, but it was three days flight away, a hefty investment.

The Wick Canyon that ran in this region, between the two domed settlements, formed the Eye: a short loop of Canyon stuck out into the plateau like a hitchhikers thumb, and in the center was a circle of mountain peaks, with a dark deep depression in the middle forming the pupil.

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